PRESENTATION: The Business of Climate Change – with Corinne Sawers and Eric Lonergan.

PRESENTATION: The Business of Climate Change – with Corinne Sawers and Eric Lonergan.

The co-authors of Supercharge Me: Net Zero Faster – More United co-founder Corinne Sawers and economist Eric Lonergan – explore how governments can work with key stakeholders like businesses to tackle climate change in the coming decades.

“We need more mad entrepreneurs”

“Positive incentives for change are the common thread in climate success stories”

“The green transition is about investment spending, it is not about a huge cost”

“10 year gilts are still at less than 2.5% - fixed for a decade. The return on offshore wind farms is 6-8% “


PRESENTATION: The Business of Climate Change – with Eric Lonergan and Corinne Sawers